IT Audit

We have talented CISA qualified IT auditors who will review risks relating to IT systems and processes including:

  • Inadequate information security (e.g. missing or out of date short, antivirus controls)
  • Inefficient use of corporate resources, or poor governance (e.g. spending large on unnecessary IT projects)
  • Ineffective IT strategies, policies and practices (including a lack of policies etc.)
  • IT-related frauds

Benefits of IT audit

Computers are the nerve centre of Business operations. Business would cease to function without them. Having a computer audit policy takes the guesswork out of key operational decision-making and seeks to assure that your company is not exposed to adverse operating risks.

Benefits include:

Business Efficiency:

Companies are required by company law to safeguard assets by instituting effective internal controls. Computer audit would not only meet this requirement but would give you the facts you need to make important decisions.


Computer audit would reinforce your company’s attitude to risk. Thousands of pounds are invested in computers (PCs, workstations, laptops, scanners, etc) it pays to be prudent by mitigating loss, whether by theft, fire or otherwise.


A computer audit promotes a standardised purchasing policy. What could be more practical than applying a purchasing policy that not only saves money but also reinforces values, such as brand, efficiency and time?

Asset tracking:

At the point where computer equipment arrives in the company they should be tagged to aid tracking, accounting and ultimately, control against loss. If these assets are not tracked or traceable, they could easily disappear from the company. A computer audit would capture all computing equipment, whether they are included on the asset register or not.

Asset replacement policy:

Computer audit assists your replacement policy by identifying ageing assets that present potential operational risk to your business. Your accounting policy may provide for non-capitalisation or write off over two to four years; however computers will be used until they are incapable of being sustained. Such a policy does not help your company in maximising efficiency and productivity. This plays into your competitor’s hands, surrendering to them your competitive advantage. If your business relies on latest technology, it’s imperative that obsolete computers are systematically identified and replaced.


Computer audit will ensure the completeness of your fixed asset register and the accounting transactions that are processed in your ledgers.

Cost control:

Computer audit aids the budgeting and timely replacement of computer equipment. It reduces substantially the guesswork in constructing the relevant capital expenditure budget.

Competitive advantage:

Whether being the quickest to market, having the latest technology or efficient processes is what sets you apart from your competitors it is essential that you make computer audit an essential company tool.

At our initial meeting we ascertain your exact needs and describe how we can meet them. An agreement setting out terms and conditions is then agreed. You’ll never again have to worry about your investment in computers and whether your competitors have the technological edge over you. We will advise on whether the specification of your computers (operating systems, processors, and storage capacity) and security measures are adequate for your operational needs. Furthermore, we can dispose of all obsolete equipment, advice on the purchase of new equipment and arrange procurement and full installation.

For an initial consultation on computer auditing call us on 0203 490 9263